Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My Shiramine

This is my Beloved Shiramine. Photos are taken by my dad ^_^
I hope to get more pictures in the future soon ^_^

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A Tribute to a great friend

I dedicate this song to my dear friend who had passed away 4 years ago. I just found out yesterday afternoon.

Ng, You will always be my first and greatest student in chess. And I will always cherish the will of steel you taught me.

May we play chess again together when the time comes...

Friday, July 24, 2009

Stand By Me

Gosh I wish I could be there to listen to these awesome people sing live T.T

Stand By Me~~~

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Surrealism , Realism and What Not...

Nature's noisy, as are people. Reality never seems kind nor cruel it simply shows you what things are, were and possibly would be. To each their own and their paths in life towards the unknown and yet magnificiently exciting.

We Do not Choose Our Career's, We are engulf by it. So, be wary of what you choose to engulf thineself in.

A thought becomes action. An action becomes habit. A habit becomes character. And What Your Character shall be your Destiny. So choose your thoughts too warily. Let the thoughts that you want always engulf your mind.

Life has never been simple nor was it ever difficult to begin with. Life has always been what life is, and yet we drunken ourselves in thoughts and ideals that just seems to make life that much more difficult to live through. Life is but a wonderful journey, you write your own story as you go along. Yet many never realize that they hold the Quill of Thought and the Ink of Action to write the story.

The end shall always be the the unseen horizon, tomorrow on the other hand never comes. At the very least, instead of looking for the horizon, we could at least see the paths that are directly ahead of us.

Reach that end first, then proceed to the next. Yet sometimes we drift away from our Journey, the medows on the side, the shades of the cool apple tree, we drown ourselves in surrealism just to please ourselves. Yet this is but only one path, though unknown but it leads still into the darker path down the mountain.

The world is beautiful and so are we. Yet ugly still are those through mind and heart. Hurtful it is, yet truth be told, many see not the heart but the outlooks of an empty vessel. Beautiful it is, yet rotting inside of a shallow drum. But nay, as the poppy field so beautiful it is, yet many never realize of what it is. Fallen has many to the traps of the haunted.

And yet exists those who save them still, despite of the Bloody Thorns around the Tricked Rose. Bleed I shall and bleed more will I. The path we are on are high on the edges of Mountains. Bled the Caring, Injured the Understanding and smited the willing. Yet to death shall he hold on the thorns that whip at him still.

The world is beautiful still with many abound. And the Saviours shall die and endless death.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Love Story + Viva la Vida by Jon Schmidt


This song is simply wonderful to me coz it seems to tell a wonderful story from Love Story and builds up into Viva la Vida which is also another amazing song.

I wish my life would be as beautiful as this music ^_^

Monday, June 29, 2009

Some Thoughts On Human Behaviour

Something has been bothering me. Why do some people actually make an EFFORT to bother other people? For example, I'm just running a simple honest business and yet, there has to be people from within and outside who are just trying to ruin our livelyhood.

Is it so hard to just live peacefully and help each other? Instead of trying to destroy and ruin people just so that you can FRACKING take over my poor Business.

The most shameless part is, you already have a job and side businesses. Why must you bother MY only current Business?

Nonetheless, what goes around comes around.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Mune's First Blog Post

Well I've started blogging. The only reason I do this is to get things off my mind, and perhaps start a little adventure here.

I would be posting my stories here, episode by episode hopefully weekly.

Anything else I'll just post em up :D